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Suture Tutor Trainer Edition Single User License
Producer: Limbs & Things, Ltd.Suture Tutor is designed as a resource to help convey the essential skills required for making skin incisions and suturing in a variety of methods.
Topics Covered:
- Safe handling of materials
- Instrument management
- Planning and performing a linear incision
- Interrupted suturing
- Subcuticular continuous suturing
- Knot tying
A suite of training materials featuring a CD-ROM with both Trainer and Trainee programs, supporting notes for the teacher, and printable handouts for the trainees. It is supplied in an A4 ring binder for ease of use and storage, and is available with a single or multi user software license.
Trainer editions save the trainer from preparing presentation slides and handouts, and compiling video sequences.
The multimedia software allows great flexibility for the experienced teacher, while providing a structure for less experienced teachers. It also eliminates the need for using a variety of presentation equipment during the session.
The trainer can easily navigate back and forth through the Trainer program, affording excellent teaching possibilities from one-to-one coaching through to large groups with the use of a data projector.
Details:Package Contents:
CD-ROM containing:
-Trainer Program
-Trainee Handouts in PDF format
-Trainee Program
A4 Ring Binder containing:
-Overview: Information on the Medical Skills training system, training support materials, program installation, using the Trainer and Trainee programs.
-Reference text: All the explanatory text from the Trainee program. This gives convenient access to information on the relevant instruments, techniques and procedures to assist in course and lecture preparation.
-Trainee Handouts: Copies of the trainee reference sheets. Each sheet covers a major subject topic with a checklist of the important points and problems encountered, supplemented by key images.
-The sheets can be printed out from the PDF files supplied on the program CD-ROM.
- Single-user software license.
Traveling 'peripatetic' tutors who train away from their usual base need a portable program that complements their busy teaching schedule. The single user edition conveniently enables the trainer to deliver a professionally prepared theory and practice session from a desktop PC or a laptop, at any venue.
The single user disk is supplied with a single user license. It is designed for portability and, as such, works exclusively on the PC in which the CD-ROM is inserted.
Price: $490.00 (Part 90023)