TypBeitragAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
AlternativeDental Suture Training Kit Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 14 Wochen
ProducerApto Enterprises Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 14 Wochen
AlternativeMethodological recommendations “The use of alternative methods in the study of general pathophysiology” pero0vor 1 Jahr 15 Wochen
ProducerY. Strelchenko, V. Danko, M. Kolonok, D. Leporsky, Y. Kryuk, L. Linchevskaya c/o InterNICHE pero0vor 1 Jahr 15 Wochen
StudyReplicating Anatomical Teaching Specimens Using 3D Modeling Embedded Within a Multimodal e-Learning Course: Pre-Post Study Exploring the Impact on Medical Education During COVID-19 Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyOutreach Medicine as an Experiential Teaching Tool to Improve Veterinary Student and Client Education Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyImplementing Digital Pathology into Veterinary Academics and Research Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyImplementation of a Blended Learning Module to Teach Handling, Restraint, and Physical Examination of Cats in Undergraduate Veterinary Training Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyImplementation of a Low-Cost 3D-Printed Feline Larynx Model for Veterinary Students Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyTraining Surgical Residents Utilizing an Animal Shelter Fracture Program Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
Study A massive open online course to teach undergraduate medical students in oncology: keys of success Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyThe integration of an anatomy massive open online course (MOOC) into a medical anatomy curriculum Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyMEDICOL: online learning in medicine and dentistry Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyUsing Immersive Virtual Reality in an Online Biology Course Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyImmersive Virtual Reality for Surgical Training: A Systematic Review Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyNovel Application of Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation Training: A Case Report Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyIncorporating a virtual curriculum into ophthalmology education in the coronavirus disease-2019 era Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyReview of the Online One Welfare Portal: Shared Curriculum Resources for Veterinary Undergraduate Learning and Teaching in Animal Welfare and Ethics Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyCan teaching veterinary and animal-science students about animal welfare affect their attitude toward animals and human-related empathy? Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyStudy of the Levels of Human-Human and Human-Animal Empathy in Veterinary Medical Students from Chile Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyThe influence of workplace learning on attitudes toward animal welfare in veterinary students Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyEmpathy Levels among Veterinary Medicine Students in Colombia (South America) Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyMitigating Surgical Skill Decay in Orthopaedics Using Virtual Simulation Learning Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudyExploration of Immersive Virtual Reality in Teaching Veterinary Orthopedics. Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen
StudySelf-Efficacy and Student Satisfaction in a Clinical-Year Diagnostic Imaging Course Using an Online Instruction Format Olivier20vor 1 Jahr 17 Wochen