Surgical Skills vol. 1 and 2 (Disc 7)

Producer: University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Surgical Skills, vol. 1 and 2 (combined), is part of the Digital Materials for Trainers series and contains QuickTime movies illustrating some basic surgical techniques - handling instruments and suturing, scrubbing, gowning and gloving. The movies can be played as stand alone movie files, or can be launched in a web-browser (Netscape is much faster than Explorer) using the home page included on the CD–ROM. There is no sound track, the movies are captioned to emphasise essential points. They can be used for teaching purposes, but if anyone wishes to edit the content and recaption in a language other than English, should contact the source.


 Price: £1.00 (on-line download)

Surgical Skills vol. 1 and 2 Surgical Skills vol. 1 and 2 Surgical Skills vol. 1 and 2