Alternatives Database
Femoral Artery
Producer: 3-DmedThe Femoral Artery feels, sutures and behaves like real live tissue. The Femoral Artery comes in Small (5 mm ID), Medium (8.5 mm ID)and Large (10 mm ID). The Large Femoral Artery is also available with Plaque to simulate a clog in the artery. Realistic and affordable products designed for the acquisition, practice and retention of cardiac and vascular surgery skills.
- High Fidelity.
- Ready for Use at Home, Lab or Hospital.
- Re-Usable.
- Long Shelf Life.
- No Refrigeration Required.
- Easy to Dispose.
- Non-Toxic. Non-Latex. Non-Oily.
- Packed in Water.
- This product is excellent for end-to-end and end-to-side anastomosis training.
- The available plaque option for the Large Femoral Artery makes it a very realistic Femoral Endarterectomy training tool.
- Spray tissues with water every 30 minutes during prolonged use.
- Rinse tissues and securely seal in resealable bag to store for short time periods.
- Place products in container with water for longer storing periods (>2 weeks).
Price: $32.00 – $760.00 (sold individually, 10 Pack, 20 Pack).