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CPRLilly Air Simulator for CPR and Airway Management
Producer: 3B Scientific GmbHThe CPRLilly Air by 3B Scientific offers skills training in both CPR and airway management. CPRLillyAIR is supplied with interchangeable heads and an Android tablet, offering the ability to train and monitor students in the use of CPR and artificial respiration / ventilation techniques.
The CPRLilly Air trainer 1020137 is durable, hygienic and offers realistic scenarios for teaching both first aid courses and medical professionals. This manikin can be used for training in mouth to mouth resuscitation, CPR, bag and mask ventilation techniques, double nasa-tracheal intubation, direct laryngoscopy, endotracheal tube insertion, the full range of supraglottic devices, combi tube insertion and awake fibre optic examination. This manikin has been designed to meet the latest CPR guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and the American Heart Association (AHA).
The Android tablet enables the instructor to control the simulator and guide the exercises, monitoring parameters and storing results for later analysis. A direct feedback feature enables the students to quickly attain the training goal. Performance evaluation can be displayed for compression depth and frequency, head tilt and head position, respiration pressure and volume/speed combined. The recommended equipment size for airway management training includes size 3-5 for LMA laryngeal masks, 7.0-7.5 mm ID for nasal intubation, 8.0-9.0 mm ID for oral intubation and similar respective sizes for other supraglottic devices.
The CPRLilyAIR is supplied with 5 lower face masks including teeth, 1 Trucorp advanced airway head, 25 throat bags, a tracksuit zip-up top, lubrication, 1 Android tablet PC, 1 plug adapter and charger for the tablet and a carry case. Additional replacement parts can be purchased (see replacement parts tab).
Price: £2,760.00 inc VAT £2,300.00 exc VAT (available through