Alternatives Database
Two-in-One Intramuscular Injection Model of Buttocks
Producer: 3B Scientific GmbHThe M152 Two-in-One I.M. Injection Model of Buttock features the anatomical structure of the buttocks area under a transparent cover on the right, and a lifelike injection practice area on the left.
The IM training model shows the anatomy of the pelvis bones, ilium crista, greater trochannter, m. gluteus medius, nerves and veins. The trainee can then transfer what he has learned about the position of nerves, veins etc. to the left hand side on which intra-muscular injections can be practiced. Anatomical landmarks can be palpated through the soft skin to identify the correct positions for injection. The injection of fluid (water) is possible for a realistic training experience.
Correct injection techniques are confirmed by a green light, if the injection is placed in a wrong position or too deep, a red light will appear and a buzzer will sound.
A unique and interactive way to teach intramuscular injections of the buttocks.
Price: £4,740.00 inc VAT £3,950.00 exc VAT (available through