Alternatives Database
Animal Teeth Model Collection
Producer: 3B Scientific GmbHThis collection of Tooth Types of Different Mammals (Mammalia) consists of approximately 20 real specimins of animal teeth, ideal for detailed anatomical study. The animal teeth set includes:
Pig, dog, cat: one incisor, one canine, one premolar and one molar tooth
Cow, rabbit: one incisor, one premolar and one molar tooth
Rat: one incisor and one molar tooth.
Ideal for comparison of the different tooth shapes and types and discussion around the various sources of nutrition as well as the feeding and hunting behaviour of omnivores (pigs, dogs), carnivores (cats) and herbivores (cows, rabbits, rats).
Our real animal skeleton range by 3B Scientific is prepared by professional taxidermists in Europe, ensuring the models are mounted to the highest quality and that every bone from the animal is displayed. No animals have been bred or killed solely for the purpose of making these specimens, and these models are certified to pose no risk of infection due to infectious zoonotic pathogens.
Price: £426.00 inc VAT £355.00 exc VAT (available through