Pictures Instead of Animals

Producer: University of Newcastle upon Tyne

This double CD–ROM is part of the Digital Materials for Trainers series and illustrates a variety of adverse drug reactions in laboratory animals. The material was originally produced on laser videodisc by Novartis plc (formerly Ciba Geigy plc), and then transferred on to CD–ROM with the support of the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation. Thus the content has been provided in a more readily accessible format, although inevitably the quality of images is lower than on the original laser videodisc. The videoclips are numbered so that they correspond with the scheme used in the original brochure, which is included on the CD–ROM in various text formats. The program is supplied upon request to training establishments in the field of experimental biology for use solely as an instructional aid.


 Price: £1.00 (on-line download)

Pictures Instead of Animals Pictures Instead of Animals Pictures Instead of Animals