Alternatives Database
Surgical Canine Model
Producer: SynDaver™LabsThe SynDaver Surgical Canine model is a revolutionary high fidelity surgical trainer. The model provides an unparalleled platform for repeatable surgical procedures. Featuring customizable pathology integrated with complete vasculature, the system affords surgeons an incomparable experience in surgical situations commonly faced by veterinarians.
Capabilities of the SynDaver Surgical Canine include:
Abdominal Procedures:
- Gastrotomy with foreign body removal
- Gastropexy
- Splenectomy
- Liver lobe biopsy
- Partial liver lobectomy
- Enterotomy with foreign body removal
- Intestinal resection with anastomosis
- Small intestinal biopsy
- Large intestinal biopsy
- Cystotomy with stone removal
Surgical Procedures:
- Tracheostomy
- Mammary mass resection
- Cutaneous suturing
- Muscular suturing
- Thoracocentesis
- Cystocentesis
Technical procedures
- Cephalic venipuncture
- Cephalic vein catheterization
- External jugular venipuncture
- External jugular catheterization
- Orotracheal intubation
- Nasoesophageal tube placement
- Stomach tube placement
- Urianry catheterization
- Upper Gl endoscopy
- Lower Gl endoscopy
- Cystoscopy
- Chest tube placement
- Hemorrhage control
Price: please, contact distributors.