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Femoral Access Training System
Producer: SynDaver™LabsSynAtomy Femoral Access Training System is a realistic medical training platform designed to help students learn and practice the techniques associated with femoral arterial catheterization. Vascular features include the common femoral artery, the femoral vein. The trainer produces realistic imaging under pulse flow Doppler ultrasound due to the imitation of natural blood flow conditions; exhibiting pulsatile blood flow in the arterial vessel and drainage blood flow in the venous vessel.
Relevant Skills: Femoral line placement, ultrasound guidance, cutdown, cannulation, catheterization, incisions, suturing, stapling and the application of adhesives.
Included Components: Femoral Access Pump Base with wireless tablet control (bluetooth) and four soft tissue pelvic models. Soft tissues include Monolithic (whole piece) construction with replaceable vessels. Each includes venous and arterial intima, media and adventitia, skeletal muscle and adult human skin. Vascular features include the femoral artery and vein.
Equipment Compatibility: Laser scalpels, electrocautery devices, gamma knives, ultrasonic probes, syringes, needles, catheters, antiseptics and all known imaging equipment (ultrasound, MRI, CT, x-ray, etc.).
Price: 8000$.