Alternatives Database
Methodological recommendations “The use of alternative methods in the study of general pathophysiology”
Producer: Y. Strelchenko, V. Danko, M. Kolonok, D. Leporsky, Y. Kryuk, L. Linchevskaya c/o InterNICHEThe guidelines explore the potential use of alternative methodologies that can eliminate animal experiments in the study of general pathophysiology. This publication draws upon the extensive teaching experience of the Pathophysiology Department staff at Donetsk National Medical University, named after M. Gorky.
It aligns with the primary sections of general pathophysiology and aids in a deeper understanding of theoretical principles and practical skills. This understanding is particularly relevant when examining the broad concepts of disease and individual environmental factors, both internal and external.
These methodological suggestions come with a CD featuring simulation programs for key experimental models of pathological processes, such as barotrauma, barriers, anaphylactic shock, disorders of microcirculation, phagocytosis, fever, edema, and fasting.
It is recommended for teachers and students across all specialties, both for practical training and independent study.
Supported by Doctors Against Animal Experiments (Germany) and InterNICHE.
Published in Kharkiv, 2018. Freeware, so can be freely copied. Languages available: Russian, Ukrainian, and English (under production).
For a complimentary printed copy of the book with CD, please email:
Free download of book and virtual laboratory available here (Russian) and here (Ukrainian).