Study | Animal Welfare Worldwide, the Opinion of Practicing Veterinarians | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 29 semaines 2 jours |
Study | The World Veterinary Association and animal welfare | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 29 semaines 2 jours |
Study | A Global Survey of the Views of Practicing Companion Animal Veterinarians on Their Undergraduate Curriculum and Their Access to Continuing Education Resources | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 29 semaines 2 jours |
Study | A global survey of companion animal veterinary practitioners on animal welfare teaching - Focus on undergraduate and continuing education, and clients' sources of information | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 29 semaines 3 jours |
Alternative | SynDaver Modular Canine | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 29 semaines 3 jours |
Page | Surgery and the SynDaver Canine: Focus clips | kalan | 0 | Il y a 30 semaines 1 jour |
Video | Surgery and the SynDaver Canine [summary clip] | admin | 0 | Il y a 30 semaines 3 jours |
Video | Surgery and the SynDaver Canine | admin | 0 | Il y a 30 semaines 3 jours |
Study | Validation of a realistic simulator for veterinary gastrointestinal endoscopy training | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Validation of a realistic simulator for veterinary gastrointestinal endoscopy training | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Photographic slides for teaching laser photocoagulation | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Evaluation of anesthetic skills acquisition in pre-graduate veterinary students with different grades of anesthetic experience using veterinary simulation exercises | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | The Evaluation of a High-Fidelity Simulation Model and Video Instruction Used to Teach Canine Dental Skills to Pre-Clinical Veterinary Students | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | If you build it, they will learn: A review of models in veterinary surgical education | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Evaluating veterinary student skill acquisition on a laparoscopic suturing exercise after simulation training | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | The usefulness of models and simulators for training practical bovine artificial insemination skills | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Efficacy validation of a low-cost handmade simulator (SIMCA-COW) in palpation, ultrasonography evaluation, and artificial insemination in cows | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Comparative Effectiveness of Training with Simulators Versus Traditional Instruction in Veterinary Education: Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | The Use of Simulators for Teaching Practical Clinical Skills to Veterinary Students - A Review | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Comparison of Self-Directed and Instructor-Led Practice Sessions for Teaching Clinical Skills in Food Animal Reproductive Medicine | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Training minimally invasive surgery's basic skills: is expensive always better? | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Use of a Composed Simulator by Veterinarian Non-Experts in Minimally Invasive Surgery for Training and Acquisition of Surgical Skills for Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in Dogs | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Approaches to Laparoscopic Training in Veterinary Medicine: A Review of Personalized Simulators | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Laparoscopic surgical box model training for surgical trainees with no prior laparoscopic experience | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |
Study | Validation of Training and Acquisition of Surgical Skills in Veterinary Laparoscopic Surgery: A Review | Olivier2 | 0 | Il y a 31 semaines 1 jour |