StudyTowards a Humane Veterinary Education Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyImplementation of computer-based alternatives in biomedical education Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyEthical surgery training for veterinary students Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyResearch project practicals for undergraduates in the biological sciences: Learning problem-solving strategies without animal experimentation Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyA pedagogically sound, innovative, and humane plan for veterinary medical education Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyCurricular design: Choosing and planning a humane approach to life science education Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyReplacement in Mexico: The vision and strategies of the Center for Animal Alternatives in Education (CAAE) program Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyThe InterNICHE Alternative Loan System: Facilitating Implementation through Access to Alternatives Asmita038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyFacilitating replacement through access to and training in alternatives Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyReplacement in Mexico: the vision and strategies of the Center for Animal Alternatives in Education (CAAE) program [abstract] Aye038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyDevelopment of Simulation Software for Experiments on the Perfused Frog’s Heart Asmita038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyThe InterNICHE alternative loan system: facilitating implementation through access to alternatives [abstract] Amardip038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyCurricular transformation at St Petersburg State Veterinary Academy [abstract] Sumayyah038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyImplementation of a body donation program and use of software: Replacement in veterinary anatomy in Peru [abstract] Sumayyah038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyAn ethical scoring system for the production and assessment of alternatives in education and training Sumayyah038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyThe impact of education and training alternatives on animals, society, research and testing Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyThe impact of education and training alternatives on animals, society, research and testing [abstract] Aye038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyEthically sourced animal cadavers and tissue: considerations for education and training Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyFrom Policy to Practice: illustrating the viability of full replacement Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyOutreach, alternatives awareness and replacement in Russia Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyBrazil starts to ban animal use in higher education: A positive and progressive development Olivier2038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyTeaching physiology is possible without killing Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyIntegration of alternatives to harmful animal use in the educational system of Ukraine: Problems, progress, perspectives Nick038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyIntegration of alternatives to harmful animal use in the educational system of Ukraine: problems, progress, perspectives [abstract] Aye038 недель 3 дня назад
StudyClient donation program to meet the needs of veterinary medical education: Alternatives to healthy animal sacrifice Nick038 недель 3 дня назад