Alternatives Database
Female Breast with Diseases
Producer: HeineScientificThe breast model from HeineScientific shows the female right breast with the anatomical structures and some frequently occurring diseases.
Anatomical structures on the breast model:
- Pectoral muscle
- Ribs
- Fat tissue
- Nipple with areola
- Glandular tissue with lactiferous duct
- Skin
Diseases shown on the breast model:
- Different large cysts
- Breast cancer with:
- Muscle metastasis
- Hard fibrous cancerous tumour
- Benign tumour (fibroadenoma)
- Anatomical model of a female breast
- Shows the most common diseases
- Dimensions: 16.5 x 11.5 x 10cm
- Mounted on a white base
Price: On request, from regional distributors (catalogue ref. H130610).