Alternatives Database
Producer: SynDaver™LabsOrgan Features: The prostate gland is available in several sizes and can include various pathologies (fluid filled cysts, fibrous cysts, calcified nodules, benign prostate hyperplasia). The hardness can be changed based on client specifications as well.
Options: If you require customization, please call and ask to speak to one of our technical sales representatives.
Typical Uses: These organs are used in the SynDaver Synthetic Human product line. They are also incorporated into complex model systems for manual digital exam training, radiological imaging acquisition training and medical device testing.
Imaging Equipment: Compatible with all known imaging equipment including ultrasound, x-ray, fluoroscopy, MRI and CT scanners.
Surgical Equipment: Compatible with all known surgical devices including needles, scalpels, lasers, RF ablation, bipolar, monopolar and harmonic devices.
Docs: SynDaver Care and Storage Guide, Print Friendly Information Sheet
Extraordinary Features: SynTissue synthetic human tissues made from salt, water and fiber – which feature the world’s most realistic tactility.
Made in the USA.
Price: $100.00.